Teach Walker Hot College Fucks
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Title: Teach Walker Hot College Fucks |  | Featured Men:
Description: It's not often a randy young coed can get her hands on a total virgin, but Aliya does precisely that here with Walker and I think she's now developed a taste for them! No college frosh virgin anywhere near her on campus will be safe - and lucky them! Of course, while freshman Walker is a bit shy and quiet and probably somewhat overwhelmed by the entire experience of being seduced by Aliya initially, eventually those hormones take over! As Aliya guides him along, teaches him some new tricks, and introduces him to some all-new feelings and sensations, Walker proves himself to be quite the quick learner! Aliya's providing quite the service for Walker, as well as all the other horny coeds on campus - given Walker's tight body and big dick, he's going to prove quite popular among the girls at HCF as they put the skills Aliya taught him to the test! Full title: Aliya Teaches Walker. Featuring Aliya, Walker. |
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