Nicole Doshi Blacks on Blondes
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Title: Nicole Doshi Blacks on Blondes |  | Featured Men:
Description: It all started out so innocently. Nicole is renting a room for a few nights at a house where she has free reign to the kitchen. When coming in to get a cup of coffee she spies a french baguette. Nicole is one of those girls who cannot look at a phallic shaped object without getting a sudden curdle in the pussy region. Now can you imagine Nicole's gooshy gushy pussy reacting to that big, long, thick baguette sitting on the table. She could only think of having a cock near that size. Hell what girl wouldn't. At this point in our morning tale of glory, the homeowner, one Mr. Mann, comes walking into the kitchen and sees the cock dreamy Nicole and he knows exactly what's up. She's got the fever. Pulling out his trusty pussy wrecker he puts it into the baguette cover because after all a girl cannot live on carbs alone. Nicole needs some meat too and what a meat stick it is. Damn, my man Richard has the cockage to literally fill up that baguette cover and that immediately gets our heroine dropping to her knees and shoving that meat stick right into her pie hole. All drippy and sloppy, Nicole jumps on her breakfast donger with a vengeance. Her holes are all afire and Richard knows he has to get her out of the kitchen and onto a proper hole stuffing set. Quicker than a hobo can hop on a hot plate his veined and swollen love behemont is buried deep in her dripping cunny canyon. He's pounding away but Nicole has another hole that needs stuffing too. Being a backdoor man himself Richard guides his flesh torpedo deep into the winking tight sphincter of Nicole and begins some serious anal mojo work on her. Cumming and twisting all over the place Nicole is getting a breakfast fuck she will be remembering for a long time. Featuring Nicole Doshi, Richard Mann. Original release date: September 29th, 2023. |
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